Currency: CAD

Date Net Asset Value1 Volume2 Net Assets1
2024-12-24 $30.32 411 $1,515,888
2024-12-23 $30.18 30,003 $1,508,865
2024-12-20 $30.01 30,003 $600,130
2024-12-19 $29.78 30,003 $595,635
2024-12-18 $30.01 30,003 $600,205
2024-12-17 $30.95 30,003 $619,084
2024-12-16 $30.66 30,003 $613,147
2024-12-13 $30.47 30,003 $1,523,257
2024-12-12 $30.74 227 $1,536,793
2024-12-11 $31.01 13,005 $1,550,471
2024-12-10 $30.93 13,005 $1,546,278
2024-12-09 $31.31 13,005 $1,565,361
2024-12-06 $31.13 13,005 $1,556,411
2024-12-05 $30.57 13,005 $1,528,265
2024-12-04 $30.87 100 $1,543,652
2024-12-03 $30.40 100 $1,519,797
2024-12-02 $30.68 100 $1,533,780


1 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close.
2 Volume is as of the market close on the applicable date.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Exchange-Traded Fund investments. Please carefully read the prospectus of the fund before investing. Exchange-Traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.