Currency: CAD

Date Net Asset Value1 Volume2 Net Assets1
2025-01-23 $35.91 396 $5,374,814
2025-01-22 $35.75 396 $5,351,846
2025-01-21 $36.09 396 $5,403,042
2025-01-20 $35.66 396 $5,337,991
2025-01-17 $35.67 156 $5,340,109
2025-01-16 $35.55 152 $5,322,001
2025-01-15 $35.18 152 $5,265,531
2025-01-14 $34.95 510 $5,231,721
2025-01-13 $34.71 510 $5,196,127
2025-01-10 $34.44 510 $5,155,554
2025-01-09 $35.09 510 $5,253,461
2025-01-08 $35.09 510 $5,252,647
2025-01-07 $34.98 510 $5,236,099
2025-01-06 $35.00 100 $5,238,848
2025-01-03 $35.29 100 $5,283,262
2025-01-02 $35.13 100 $5,259,227


1 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close.
2 Volume is as of the market close on the applicable date.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Exchange-Traded Fund investments. Please carefully read the prospectus of the fund before investing. Exchange-Traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.