Currency: CAD

Date Net Asset Value1 Volume2 Net Assets1
2024-11-29 $11.67 799 $1,634,271
2024-11-28 $11.62 799 $1,627,269
2024-11-27 $11.63 799 $1,628,263
2024-11-26 $11.71 799 $1,639,450
2024-11-25 $11.63 799 $1,628,614
2024-11-22 $11.57 799 $1,620,370
2024-11-21 $11.48 799 $1,607,089
2024-11-20 $11.43 799 $1,600,599
2024-11-19 $11.40 799 $1,595,504
2024-11-18 $11.43 8,400 $1,599,813
2024-11-15 $11.40 8,400 $1,482,289
2024-11-14 $11.48 8,400 $1,493,002
2024-11-13 $11.47 8,400 $1,491,646
2024-11-12 $11.47 0 $1,491,603
2024-11-11 $11.64 0 $1,513,769
2024-11-08 $11.68 0 $1,518,452
2024-11-07 $11.65 0 $1,514,537
2024-11-06 $11.61 0 $1,509,809
2024-11-05 $11.52 8,400 $1,497,651
2024-11-04 $11.47 113 $1,490,985
2024-11-01 $11.50 113 $1,494,610


1 NAV and Net Asset figures are as of market close.
2 Volume is as of the market close on the applicable date.

Commissions, management fees and expenses all may be associated with Exchange-Traded Fund investments. Please carefully read the prospectus of the fund before investing. Exchange-Traded funds are not guaranteed, their values change frequently and past performance may not be repeated.